Why Our Language Matters with Mark Vroegop


The Bible says that the tongue is like a rudder; it steers the whole ship of our lives and our relationships with others. Our words can bless or curse, heal or wound, and we have the power of life and death in our mouths. When we are in painful seasons, our language can often turn hurtful and negative, as all of our worst thoughts and impulses bubble to the surface. Pastor Mark Vroegop has witnessed this firsthand. As an author and the pastor of College Park Church, Mark has watched as the hardships of the last year and change have left so many of us speaking from a place of anger, resentment, or even hatred, and he’s seen the devastation that this language can cause. In this bonus conversation for our Nothing Is Wasted Monthly Partners, Mark sits down with Davey to talk about how our language matters and how we can keep it under control even in the midst of hard circumstances.

Bonus Episode - Mark Vroegop Discusses How Our Language Matters